HVAC Rentals is now a business of Sunbelt Rentals

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HVAC Rentals is now a proud sponsor of Déclic Action – an independent community organization that provides resources for those struggling with addiction problems. Located in Laval Quebec, Déclic Action’s mission is to prevent, accompany, and support those struggling with addiction issues and other related problems. Residents can choose from a 21 or 28- day treatment plan that provides lodging on-site for those who need a more hands-on approach. Additionally, the organization also offers a variety of external services that can help prevent relapses following the residents lodged treatment plan. 

The organization reached out to HVAC Rentals to supply 26 of our window air conditioning units for its staff and residents, as the heatwave had become unbearable. Having a comfortable environment when going through a recovery process is vital in ensuring people can get the help they need while being in the best temperature conditions to do so! 

Once we heard about the initiative from director Nathalie Messias and counselor Stéphane of Déclic Action, we wanted to be a part of such a caring facility and help support the success of a local organization that makes a true difference in the lives of those struggling with all types of addiction.  

Déclic Action is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, they are open to ages 18 and up and have a split lodging house that assists both men and women. Being primarily funded by donations, the HVAC Rentals team encourages you to help keep this local service’s doors open for years to come, check out their website for more information and to donate à   https://www.declicaction.com/  

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